Sunday, 30 November 2014

Shetland Composites awarded major tidal power contract

One of Shetland's most innovative companies, Shetland Composites, has won the contract to manufacture blades for a tidal array being made by Nova Innovation. The Shetland Tidal Array will be sited in Bluemull Sound between the islands of Yell and Unst and will provide sufficient power for 300 homes.

Full story from ClickGreen here:

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Shetland 'extremely desirable' for BP employees - SVT manager

BP's  Area Operations Manager at the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal in Shetland, Steve Cowie, says the isles are proving a very desirable posting for prospective employees. The attractions of the community have been important in attracting new skilled workers from all over the world to the isles, as BP carry out major refurbishment works at SVT and prepare for the construction of a new gas sweetening plant on site.

A new rotational working system has been introduced, offering a two weeks on, three weeks off system similar to that employed on offshore rigs and platforms.

Full details are in an article in the magazine Rigzone here:

An interview with Steve will be available next year as part of a video project currently being carried out by Promote Shetland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Shetland Gas Plant - exclusive pictures

Promote Shetland is in the process of making a series of films about the energy industry in Shetland for Shetland Islands Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. Last week saw the team meeting up with Total's Shetland Gas Plant manager Dave Wink and touring the site.

Looking down over the gas plant to Sullom Voe beyond.

Foundations for a fence!

Probably the strongest fence in the UK...

Road to riches. Beneath this track is the Laggan-Tormore gas pipeline.

Dave Wink, Shetland Gas Plant Manager, Total.